Winter 2022 Saturday Intro/Recreational League

***This league has been postponed until current Covid-19 sports restrictions are lifted. HU will email all registered participants when we are able to start playing again.***

Are you new to ultimate, or are you looking for a fun way to get out and play in a relaxed and spirited environment? If you are, then this is the place for you. Players of all skill and fitness levels are welcome and encouraged.

League cost is $65 per player. If you were hoping to play, but the cost is a barrier, either reach out to or indicate as much in your registration submission and we will do our best to accommodate you.

All players must sign up for an Annual Membership before they will be allowed to register for this league. 

Game start on January 8th. This offering will run until March 12th.

Event Type
Individuals for Leagues
Level of Play
Open Cap
Women Cap
Not allowed
Registration Opens
Dec 15, 2021 7:00PM
Registration Closes
Feb 25, 2022 11:59PM
15 minutes

You cannot register for any events until you are logged on to the site. The system can help you recover forgotten passwords or create a new profile (and user ID with password) if you are new to the HU site.