About Us
Halifax Ultimate is a registered not-for-profit with the goal of providing affordable and fun Ultimate for the residents of HRM. We offer one of the lowest cost organized sports in Halifax.
We offer multiple leagues all year-round at various fields, fieldhouses, gyms, and all-weather turf facilities in the Halifax area. In the summer, we play on grass (e.g. South Commons, Graves Oakley, Ravenscraig, Ecole Secondaire du Sommet, Westmount, and Rockingstone) and turf (e.g. Burnside All Weather Turf, Mainland Common). In the fall, winter, and spring seasons, our leagues are indoors on court (e.g. Canada Games Centre) or turf (e.g. BMO Soccer Centre).
Our Vision
To make quality & spirited Ultimate available in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Our Mission
Halifax Ultimate recognizes sportsmanship, fair play and rule knowledge are integral to providing quality ultimate. Halifax Ultimate also recognizes the importance of fun and being social.
Diversity of Offerings
Halifax Ultimate will strive to offer a variety of playing and non-playing opportunities for all age groups and skills levels. Halifax Ultimate will deliver learning opportunities for members of any skill level to get better. League offerings will focus on inclusiveness allowing members opportunities to play several times per week year round.
Sustainable Capacity
Halifax Ultimate will work with stakeholders to meet the playing and practice needs of its membership. Halifax Ultimate will also focus on activities to raise the profile of the organization.
Member Satisfaction
Halifax Ultimate wants to ensure its members (and potential members) are satisfied with its offerings. Halifax Ultimate wants to offer members opportunities to play at ‘their’ skill level. This includes activities that are transparent, inclusive, ethical and fair.
Halifax Ultimate recognizes that having an engaged group of volunteers is the key to its future success.
Player Skills Development
Halifax Ultimate will deliver learning opportunities for players of every skill level to improve.
Halifax Ultimate will make Ultimate accessible to anyone who wants to take part.
Strategic Plan
Halifax Ultimate went through a Strategic Planning process to set the overall goals of the organization and articulate a plan to achieve them.
In support of the Mission of Halifax Ultimate, cluster committees have been established. These are led by a Board Member and open to any member of Halifax Ultimate contribute. The committees are as follows:
The Operations Committee oversees and consults on the operational policies and procedures of Halifax Ultimate. The committee oversees HU employees, including the League Coordinator(s), Tournament Director(s), and volunteers; and consults on recruiting and hiring staff.
Communications, Marketing, and PR
The Communications, Marketing, and PR Committee oversees and consults on the public face of HU that keeps the community informed and up to date. The committee supports HU staff with communications relating to HU league offerings, special events, changes to the existing calendar & schedule, as well as communicating the strategic goals and initiatives set by the board.
Membership and Inclusivity
The Membership Committee monitors and analyzes the full makeup of the HU membership over time, and suggests league changes to the Operations Committee. The committee will aim to ensure fairness and equity for all members, while focusing on maintaining and implementing policies and practices that create an environment for people from equity-seeking groups to come to, play in, and volunteer.
Volunteers Make Halifax Ultimate
League Coordinators

Kelsey Hayden & James McKenna
James has been playing ultimate competitively for about 12 years, including as a player and captain on both Warriors of Rad and Red Circus Ultimate. In the past, he was a member of the Disc NS board and coached the Nova Scotia Blues Junior women’s team. James’ favorite HU league teams he has ever played with were Fiji Mermaids, an open league draft team from 2012, and Prom Date, a summer team in 2014-2016.
Kelsey has been playing ultimate for about 7 years. She has been playing with Salty since 2018 and Stello (a women’s masters team) since 2023. She writes part-time for Ultiworld and loves traveling to play and watch ultimate. Her favorite HU league team was Huck Dynasty, her first Halifax summer team that got her “hooked.”
You can contact them via: info@halifaxultimate.ca
Board of Directors
The board of directors for 2024-2025 are:

Emily Lamoureux
After being introduced to the sport of ultimate in university, Emily became obsessed with the cult that is ultimate frisbee. While she plays less competitive ultimate these days, her enthusiasm for the community at large has not waned. She is always excited to see new players on the field, and very much looks forward to making your acquaintance!

Donnie Hartigan

Greg Thomson
Greg started playing Ultimate in 2006 (because he was perceived as being fast) as a member of Strangelove (Halifax Ultimate’s longest running team) and played the summer seasons for the first five years. Greg’s main Ultimate goal is the post game drink/ season-ending parties.
Greg has varied interests outside of Ultimate including teaching part time at several local universities and working at b4checkin. He also does significant volunteering with Junior Achievement of Nova Scotia, Saint Mary’s University and Atlantic Division of Canoe Kayak Canada.
Greg is also a competitive runner and is always open to anyone joining him. (He runs around the SouthEnd at 7am daily.) He also is obsessed with professional tennis (Serena & Rafa) and follows most professional sports.

Brodie Fitzgerald
Board Member
Brodie began playing Ultimate at the age of 10, after one of her family member’s brought the sport to her hometown. She’s been addicted ever since! After her varsity days playing at Nipissing University, she moved from city to city, province to province, joining the ultimate community wherever she went! She was amazed to see the talent grow and is blessed to be a part of such a humble, fun and kind sport.
If you don’t see Brodie on the field, giggling her way through the game, you might see see her with a camera glued to her hand! Brod’s in love with photography and all things social media, so next time you see her, smile for the camera!

Brent Wallace
Board Member
Brent started playing ultimate at Mount A in 2015. Moving to Halifax in 2017, he joined Halifax Ultimate and started touring with Red Circus. He has captained Madhouse and Red Circus, as well as playing on Anchor.
Brent works in human resources, and he enjoys spending time with friends and exploring the city outside of work.

Jane Rideout
Board Member
Jane started playing Ultimate Frisbee during her senior year of high school because she really liked the people on the team. She got hooked and has been playing ultimate ever since.
Jane has played ultimate competitively for the Western University Team, Tempest, and Salty, and has enjoyed playing in every rec league and tournament she can. Her favourite part of Ultimate is the spirit of the game and she loves introducing new people to the sport. Her greatest Ultimate accomplishment is that Hot Disc Summer (and subsequent Brisk Disc Fall) won HU’s League Team of the Year for 2024.
When she is not playing ultimate, Jane is swimming, watching movies, or spending time outdoors with friends.

Grant MacDonald
Board Member
Grant started playing ultimate in 2017 during high school. In grade 11, he began playing more competitively with the New Scotland Blues, the NS juniors program at the time.
He continued playing in university with Dalhousie DKUT for my undergrad, where he helped captain and coach. In 2023, he had the privilege to represent Canada at the U24 world championships where I played for Canada’s mixed team.
He’s now been playing in Halifax Ultimate for around 8 years. Currently, you can find him playing with Red Circus Ultimate during the summer as well as enjoying all the great Halifax Ultimate Leagues in the winter. His favorite League is 6v6 indoor team entry where he played on one of his Favorite teams, Bread Factory.