Spring 2019 Sunday Mixed 4v4 Teams

Welcome to the 2019 Spring team league !!!

We will be playing at the brand new, formely know as the Dartmouth Sportsplex, Zatzman Sportsplex!

-This league is 4v4 (2M:2F vs 2M:2F), continuous play.
-It will run for 10 weeks from March 17 - May 19.
-Games will all start between 12:30pm-3:30pm.

-Games are played on a gymnasium court.

There is only room for 8 teams, so register and pay to guarantee your spot in this league. All skill levels are welcome! Games will be scheduled between similarly skilled teams.

Any players looking to join a team should put their name in the Free agent list.

Event Type
Teams for Leagues
Registration Cap
Not allowed
Registration Opens
Mar 5, 2019 12:01PM
Registration Closes
Mar 21, 2019 11:59PM

You cannot register for any events until you are logged on to the site. The system can help you recover forgotten passwords or create a new profile (and user ID with password) if you are new to the HU site.